One of my purchases from the Round Top antique fair was this metal shelf for $15. It has a nice oriental feel to it and I thought all the different levels would make it perfect for my potted plants. It was a brassy gold color with minor rust areas but I knew it could be really cute. Last weekend it was finally warm and sunny enough to repaint!


I'm not really sure what's up with the plant in upper right, it looks sad and I haven't been able to get it to perk up...
This was my first redo-type project so now I'm really looking forward to more! I will have my eye out for some things that need a little TLC next month at Canton Flea Market.
very cute! There's a weekly flea market here on the corner near our house. I've been eye-balling this chair for weeks now. I'm trying to convince Michael all it needs is a new coat of paint...
You have chosen the perfect colour to paint it, well done!
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