So many of you gushed over my mom's amazing greenhouse so now I have the full tour for you!
The bones of the greenhouse is actually and old pole barn that was destroyed in a tornado shortly after my parents bought the property. Luckily that was the only thing destroyed!
The many pieces of the greenhouse have been collected from various yard sales, dumpsters and salvage yards. It was slowly pieced together over the course of a few years.
Here is a close up of the table built around the central pole. The various tiles have been collected during my parents many excursions that I like to refer to as "Hippy Trips". A hippy trip is basically what it sounds like. Back when my mom and step dad still worked as teachers (they are retired now) they used their long summers to take road trips. My step dad had a VW camper bus that was as old as I am (RIP bus!). They would just start packing one day during the summer and inform me they would be leaving soon. The conversation would go something like this;
Me: So when are you leaving?
Mom: Oh, maybe thursday, maybe wednesday, maybe another day.
Me: Where are you going to?
Mom: North
Me: North where?
Mom: I think North east, yes easterly.
Me: When are you coming back?
Mom: Hmmm a few weeks.
Then off they would go! Lucky ducks. Now that they are retired they actually do this kind of thing less. I guess they don't feel the need to escape from the city now that they live in the country instead of in Houston.
My mom goes in here everyday and waters the plants. She even has heaters set up for the winter. It's soooo nice to go in here during the winter. It's all warm and smells so fresh and green.
There are even little fish in here!
This is their vegetable garden to the right of the greenhouse.
An old stove they found on their property. Wouldn't it be awesome to refurbish it?!
The beautiful ridge where my brother got married and where they hope to build their house someday. This really shows how big their property is, a total of 26 acres, the road to get here isn't even paved!
Hope you enjoyed!

How utterly charming- I so wish I had a green thumb. Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of your world!!
Just stunning! We are about to begin our landscaping and this is so inspiring.
so charming. i would escape there and sip coffee on frosty mornings. or it seems like the sort of romantical place one would do that. where is it?
Very cool Brandi. I was wondering why you were taking all those pics. It actually looks pretty good! xo
These pictures and greenhouse are amazing. What a great getaway. This could be a profile in a gardening magazines!
love the eclectic mix of objects & plants, really beautiful. i hope to have a little land someday to continue expanding my gardens.
best greenhouse ever!
I love funky planters- it'd be cool to gut the stove, fill it with soil and have plants popping out the burners on the top. like moss or another cute ground cover. I also love the floor in the greenhouse. very charming.
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