The dining table is from Pier 1, on clearance for only $300.
The light fixture is a generic one from Lowe's. I simply slipped a large drum shade over it and tied it up with wire.
The China cabinet is vintage, purchased at a garage sale for a song.
The bar cart was purchased at Canton Flea Market for $50.
The paper on top is from Paper Source, I glued it on with spray adhesive.
I had a lot of questions about this vase. It's from a flea market. And I use the term flea market generously, I bought it from a lady that basically sells garage sale rejects out of a shack in the middle of nowhere. Lucky break I guess!
The paper in the back is from Paper Source.
Curtain fabric is from Mood.
The chairs were purchased on Craigslist for $100 for all 6. I painted them and the black and white stripe is from High Fashion Home.
All the large mirrors are vintage. The two small ones are from Target. The bench is another Canton purchase which I painted and covered in an outdoor fabric. The hatboxes are also vintage.
The console was a Target purchase from college. Just repainted it with glossy black and white paint.
The cup is a 50cent Goodwill find.
I purchased the mask in Venice, Italy on our honeymoon.
The knobs are from Anthropologie and the lamp was a sample from my old job that was never picked up.
I hoped you enjoyed the tour!

I just love your bar cart and the paper from paper source!
And I've always wanted to arrange a bunch of mirrors on the wall. It looks great.
Where did you buy such a large drum shade? I am looking for two myself.
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