Upon my first visit to the Wisteria Outlet store I finally found the perfect thing. Kantha cloths! They are so full of character and vibrant color, the perfect bohemian vibe. Of course I had to get a purple one, of course!
I really like it! And don't worry, I just pinned the cloth, no staples. So should I change my mind later and want some different fabric, the kantha cloth will still be perfectly intact and ready for its next home.
I'm soooo ready to get this room together and finished. For some reason the master has been the hardest for me. I don't know why. I feel that I've come a long way but I still have so far to go.
My white bedding stint isn't really working out. One of our dogs sleeps at the foot of the bed every night and the oils on his fur have stained the duvet a dingy yellow that bleaching can't cure.
I think that's why I have so much trouble. I have a really hard time finding bedding that I like. I recently bought a duvet from Anthro and brought it home and immediately decided it had to go back, sigh.
Ideas for bedding would be much appreciated. It can't have too much white and must be easily washable.
In other good news, I got the fabric in for my wing chairs!
I mocked up how it's going to look and I can't freaking wait. My goal is to have them done by Christmas. I just don't have a vehicle to get to the upholsterers, ugh!
**Update** The fabric is from High Fashion Home, it's not available online but you can call to order it!
**Update** The fabric is from High Fashion Home, it's not available online but you can call to order it!
I think they are going to look amazing!
And I'm all moved into my office! It's not much right now but I'm so happy to have my own space to work. Now my breakfast nook is free and I can put a real table there.
Paint swatches are going on the wall as soon as I'm done typing. We'll see how many I go through this time!
And yes, that is my fat cat in the corner there.
Happy Monday Lovers!

the headboard and chair fabrics are amazing!! I'm seriously in love.
As for bedding, can you find something similar to the color of the suzani background?
Source, please, for the chair fabric? It's amazing!
I like the light color linens but what about an inexpensive dark colored quilt/throw across the bottom of the bed for the dog in the colors of the headboard?
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