An article from the New York Times on the subject of all the new shelter mags was published yesterday. I'm not sure if I should be offended or not. You must read to see what you think...
In a way of course they have some good points. One being that most of the editors of these mags are mere bloggers with little to no experience in running an actual magazine. But to me, that's what is so great about it. With technology these days the world is indeed at your fingertips. Plus it's not say that these people don't work hard to make these magazines and put knowledge into every issue.
I'm a firm believer in working hard and learning the ropes for yourself. Quite frankly I couldn't give a damn if these people are self-taught, with no experience, and taking it day by day. I think that's part of what makes these magazines so accessible and appealing to readers like me. We all still pour through the pages of our beloved Elle Decor but for young people on a budget like myself, I sometimes have trouble relating. It sounds to me like there may be some bitter folks out there who want every lowly intern and assistant to "pay their dues" before seeing any type of success. i for one have to commend the creators of these online mags for pioneering something new and exciting.
I also think they made Michelle Adams the EIC of Lonny sound kind of bitter that other mags were following suit of Lonny. Now, I can't really know if the journalist emphasized this or what was actually said so I will take it with a grain of salt. Lonny is still the leader in the online mag industry for a reason and of course others will try to build on their success. They say to be copied is the best form of flattery...
What are your thoughts?

I so agree with you! I am brand-spanking new to design blogging. I was in the publishing industry for many years but I am so inspired by what these bloggers are doing. I was in the publishing industry for years and recently created a Christian magazine. I am going to bypass the tedious work of trying to find someone to "buy" into it to pay for it and go straight for an ISSUU launch in the next few weeks. So thanks to you and the others out there who are doing this. Your creativity has given me courage! Sorry for the long comment!
I found the article to be very interesting! I'm not sure about some of the negative tones, I do agree that the mags are all fabulous and I adore them all!! But you know what they say, ANY press is better than no press at all!!
Nancy xo
I read Matchbook every month but hadn't heard about the other ones. So, I don't know if they're quite as interchangeable as the article has them appear to be.
I personally love reading magazines, but seriously that was the first thing I cut out when I was trying to save money and the online blogs/mags have filled a hole. So I say the more the merrier.
I haven't read the article, but I can see both sides of the issue (hehehe, that actually is a kinda funny pun)...I can see why other traditional magazines wouldn't like these online mags, they are basically stealing their business! And they have put a lot of time and effort into honing their skills through study and hard work. Unfortunately for them, design is creative and so I think 90% of that CAN'T BE LEARNED! Some people just got it...and I say if you got it, flaunt it! And so many are doing just that...hell, I really don't care who is doing it, as long as I get to enjoy the inspiration and entertainment (c:
Thanks for pointing out this article. I agree with most of what you said. I think it's fabulous that there are people out there reshaping the ideas we have about publishing.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I read it. I think that in this economy, no one (even a lowly blogger) should be shame-faced for trying to push the envelope and try something new. These magazines exist because there is a market. I don't care if the editors don't have an editorial background. They are very created and motivated people. Isn't that what the free market is all about? And like Marcus Design said above - all press is good press, especially in the NY Times!
I think a lot of the editing process certainly needs to be learned, but so much of the creative eye is a natural trait! I love online magazines BECAUSE they're people like me, not professionals.
I agree to a certain extent with the editing but that could have to do with not enough staff. I am sure these on line mags are run on a shor string. Other then that they are OK to me only b/c I am just not a fan of on line magazine reading with all the magnifying etc. After about 10 pages I am done. I work all day on a computer so maybe that is the problem. BUT ya, for you young gorgeous things, it is perfect!
PS: screw LeBron (from a girl that grew up in Indiana)
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