Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Have Art on the Brain

I have had inspiration to make art like crazy lately. Which is great! I finally finished my gun art, now all I need are the perfect frames.

I was inspired to do this after I saw this picture in Rue from Peppermint Bliss.
                                                                 Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

I think these gun chairs are super sweet. I got the black and gold paper from Paper Source. All I did was draw the outline on the back side with a white pencil and cut out using some precision scissors I already had. I was worried they wouldn't come out right and that the pattern might make the silhouette seem lost but they look great! I'm going to hang them over our headboard in the bedroom methinks.

I made these using a few lines of the vows we we wrote ourselves for our wedding. I wanted them to be simple and to not look too perfect. I think they turned out great.

Apologies for the horrible picture on this one but I didn't finish it until night. This is my repainted Goodwill bamboo frame. I bought this sea fan and spray painted it white and pressed it against some black fabric I had. I really like the way the white fan looks against the black but I'm not sure if I love the pink frame. When I painted it I had no idea what art would go in it and I intended the color to look coral, not pepto pink. I think it might look great with a charcoal colored frame. Oh well, I'll get around to repainting it someday...!

I don't think this is its permanent place on the wall either but I don't want to leave my art in a pile while I figure things out because could take forever. The other two pieces are the flea market frames I scored with some simple scrapbook paper in them.
What projects have you finished lately?



  1. Wow, These are all so great! You've been busy. And I love your vows!

  2. Brandi, I am amazed at your art. Where did you find the sea fan that size! Beautiful!

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my very Fashionable Giveaway from the French Basketeer!

  3. Dying. I am *DYING* over that gun art!!! I can't believe you just whipped that up yourself. Seriously, this would be the absolute perfect thing for in my house! Want to make two for me??? Okay fine, I guess you actually just told us how *exactly* to make it ourselves and i can just stop being lazy (c: This is probably my favorite art project I've seen...maybe *ever*. Bravo, you talented girl, you! Hopefully in a little while I can say I did an awesome art project myself...fingers crossed (c:

  4. I have a sea fan laying around I needs to frame too. Just been lady. Looks great maybe ill finally do it.


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