Monday, April 25, 2011

Water for Elephants Costumes

I saw this movie over the weekend and am now completely obsessed. The set, the costumes, the story, the actors, all of it. I read the book and loved it as well so I went into the movie with some trepidation but this seriously surpassed all my expectations. I wasn't sure how I would like Reese and Robert as the main characters, even though I love them, I had always pictured these two differently. They were, of course, just wonderful in these roles.

Even more so I can't get all the fabulous dresses the main character, Marlena wore out of my mind! Reese looked stunning with her blond ringlets and red lips.

Can you imagine trying to look this fabulous when you live on a train?

This red dress was certainly a favorite.

Did any one see it and love it as much as I did?

Happy Monday! Come back tomorrow to see some projects I did over the weekend!



  1. LOVED the book and dying to see the movie... even more so after your post and seeing those fabulous dresses! :) Cannot wait!

  2. Can't wait to see this- I think this is the best Reese has looked- just so gorgeous!!

  3. I read the book too and saw the movie this weekend!! I also loved it, but just wish they would've kept some of the smaller pieces of the story in the movie... but, all in all, LOVED it! And the costumes, as you said, were FABULOUS!! Down to Reese's simple riding pants and scarves in the hair...GORGEOUS! And this era suited Robert Pattinson to a T!

  4. I haven't seen it yet, but these pictures make me want to go right this second!!! Besides the fact that Rob will be looking his hansome best, Reese is looking oh-so-fabulous!!! What a wardrobe!

  5. Well, no I'll have to go see it. Red satin... doesn't get much better, does it?

  6. All i see is robert pattinson.......heart.

  7. i loved the movie... and the costumes were amazing!! the red silk gown was definitely my favorite! wish we still dressed like this.


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