Monday, January 31, 2011

I'd Really Like to Thank...

The lovely Nancy from Marcus Design awarded me the Stylish blogger Award a few weeks ago. Since things have been a little ridiculous for me as of late, I'm just getting around to give her my most heartfelt thanks!

The rules state that you must share seven thing about yourself so here goes...

1. I want to travel, like anywhere. Of course I want to go to the obvious places but I also want to go to obscure places too, like little villages in the Philippines and such. There is no place that I DON'T want to visit, I want to see it all!

2. I've mentioned before that I have a major sweet tooth but I think something most of you don't know is how bad it truly is! I like to eat them, bake them, look at them, talk about them. I make some type of dessert every single weekend. It's like a ritual and it actually relaxes me. I like to try new recipes too. I'm constantly looking for new things to make and unload on my coworkers so I don't have to eat it all.

My delicious Oreo Truffles, get the recipe here.

3. When I was little I wanted to be a dance teacher. Not a ballerina mind you, but a dance teacher with my own studio and everything. I wanted to be that when I grew up for so long, my parents actually thought I would do it too.

4. I really hate cold weather, like really hate it. For this reason, I can never live anywhere up north. I get cold if the temperature falls bellow 72 degrees. In the winter Scott has to drop me off at the door when we go somewhere because I will start to shiver uncontrollably while walking through the parking lot. He's a good husband!

5. I'm a marathon shopper. I can shop but never will I drop. I could go all day hopping from store to store and never miss a beat. I love to shop with my mom but she always gets tired (like any human being!). I could shop everyday for days. 

                                                                 Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

6. Shopping is also one of my favorite things about vacations. Of course I like seeing the sights, but I also love to shop in new places. I will save up my money for months before a trip so I can go on a free-for-all shopping spree on a vacation. This also makes me feel like a drug addict...

7. I really like to exercise. But I hate going to the gym. I had a gym membership for a long time and I really tried to use it. But being a former dancer I find weight lifting and running on a treadmill extremely boring. Since I wasn't having fun I didn't go much and that made me feel bad. Then I had the obvious revelation that I needed to have fun while working out! Duh! So I finally found some dance classes to take regularly and it's amazing how great they make me feel! I'm sort of a dance junkie. I will try any form of dance, I've done pole dancing, burlesque, salsa, zumba, cardio dance, belly dance, Bollywood, and even my latest venture, aerial silks. I have a blast while getting in shape, so why the hell not?!

And now I would like to pass on the award to some very deserving ladies...

That's all I'm going to for now because I think everyone else has already had the pleasure of receiving this award! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me better!



  1. Congrats on your award for being a stylish blogger...if they could only see you in are even more stylish!!!

  2. Loved learning more about you Brandi and I just have to tell you that I adore your new look- I don't think the chevrons were there the last time I visited- the whole thing looks soooo fabulous!

  3. Well homie first all I would have to say that if we lived in same zip codes I would totally hit you up for shopping! And who cares if I already was given the award it still means a lot you thought of my humble blog. Thanks for all the support really appreciate you!

    I got double awards that means I'm the double shiznitz!

  4. This is a great list! I'm the same way about travel. Take me everywhere and anywhere!

  5. yay! I'm honored!

    That stinks that you're so adverse to the cold. I'll have to skype you into nyc once I get my bum movin back up there.

  6. Ah... thanks sister! I'm honored. I loved reading this post - you and I both have a thing for sweets, I see. Especially the cake balls. I have to say that I had never heard of these until I moved to Dallas. Is it a Texas thing?

  7. OREO TRUFFLES!!!!!!!11
    get out of here!

    Those look so delicious.
    I'll head over to the recipe right now...

    you totally deserve the award<3

    hope to hear from you*!


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