Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day!

The weather is awfully harsh out today and luckily I was able to stay home from work. I hear the roads are treacherous and the temperature is not expected to warm up for a few days. We'll see how long this goes on! The good thing about snow days? Staying in. The bad thing about snow days? Having to stay in! I almost wish I could go out and run errands, I could really use a trip to Ikea but of course, I would be at work if I could do that!

Last weekend, strangley enough, was so beautiful that I was able to complete a weekend project in a single weekend. Crazy right?! You may recall my red dresser...

Beautiful as it was, I just couldn't make red work in our bedroom. I really want to go for something soft, pretty, with a touch of glamour. So out came the paint!

While this might not be as striking, I'm actually really pleased with it. I think the white looks so classy and sophisticated and it has already changed the mood of our bedroom.

I also painted and recovered this little stool at the foot of our bed. I didn't think to take a before pic, silly me! I hope to find another piano bench and redo it the same way. I think it would be cute to have to mismatched benches at the foot of the bed that are done the same way. The black and white fabric is outdoor fabric, so it will clean easily. I also scotch guarded it too, it was cheap and I have more if it ever gets messed up, which is a real possibility.

I have a good little collection of mercury glass going. So pretty!

Found the perfect frame for this painting Bri gave me. I just love the way the abstract art looks with a traditional frame, perfection!

Nothing new in the dining room really. I just wanted to show off this little monochromatic vignette I put together. Too bad there are no flowers around to complete it! Can't wait to get the chairs upholstered. Plants are inside due to the cold.

And lastly...

I finally found some chairs on craigslist! I swear I've searched everyday for the past 6 months to find the perfect pair. Then the other day these babies finally appeared. I wanted a wingback but not your traditional looking ones. I chose these because they have a squared off wing and clean lines on the legs. Not to mention I got them both for $100! I'm not sure if I'll paint the wood and I have no idea what fabric will go on them yet but I'm excited that the search is over. Now on to find all the fabrics for my living room. I really want everything to flow together nicely so I want to source everything before I start doing any real work putting it together. I don't want to buy the couch and then find the perfect chair or window fabric that doesn't go with the couch!

How is your week going? Any good finds lately?



  1. busy, busy, busy girl...and you keep making even more work for yourself!! It will all be fabulous once you put your touches to it.

  2. You are on fire, it seems with fun and exciting projects. I am loving the dining room and mixing the piano benches sounds like a his and hers idea. Perhaps monogram them. Love the blog design, Shari did mine as well.

  3. Loving the piano benches. I think the blank and white goes with your blog! Great stuff!

  4. Looks like you have been busy! I love the dresser re-do!
    Happy Thursday and be sure to check out our latest blog post!

  5. What wonderful transformations! I really like the feminine bench with the pink feet. That's my fave!

  6. I love your dining room... its really lovely. And congrats on finding that great pair of chairs. I can't wait to see them re-done!

  7. Hi Brandi, I love that stool. Its gorgeous! Happy creating.


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