Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Busy Busy Bee!

I got a few long-time-coming projects done over the weekend. Who's up for a a bunch of before and afters? Me! ME! MEEE! There's almost nothing I love more (other than desserts!)

I know a lot of you will have seen these before but since I have so many new readers why not share again?!

First up I FINALLY got my dining chairs upholstered. I've been working on these for almost a year I think!

So I painted them a high gloss white and reuphoslstered them in a thin black and white stripe. Here's our dining room when we bought the house and again after we got a coat of paint on it.

I still haven't found the perfect light but that will be a I'll-know-it-when-I-see-it kind of thing. Here it is now!

What do you think? I really love it! This is the first (mostly) complete room in the house. I had a lot of doubts along the way but now I can honestly say that I love it.

A lot has changed in my master bath. I picked out some beautiful paper from Paper Source and wrangled Scott to help me replace the crumbling back of this linen cabinet.

The pop of blue is just what I wanted. And it was so easy! I bought four big sheets of paper for about $6 each and used spray adhesive to mount them. I didn't worry about the edges of the paper matching up because the pattern is so crazy. You can't even notice the edges even if you're looking.

I'm still waiting on the last cabinet piece of my bathroom to come back but I couldn't resist showing you the tub area! Let's see the befores...

Oh wow! This nightmare is a distant memory now!

and now...

My mom and I were on the hunt for gold frames for months! I got the vintage glass towel bar at an Antique Mall, I love little touches like this! I'm searching for a vintage sparkly chandelier to go above the tub, but no luck yet :(

I will do a complete post on our bathroom remodel when the cabinets come back.

I have two more projects to show you tomorrow! Is the suspense killing you?!



  1. Your bathroom is stunning the gold frame idea is genius. I only hope we finish out bathroom in this lifetime. Your dining room is looking great are you replacing the light fixture?

  2. Brandi, it's all GORGEOUS!!! I'm seriously in awe of your bathroom- just so pretty and the dining room, glamorous and so dramatic- adore the fabrics you chose. This was such a treat!!

  3. OMG! It's all so gorgeous! I can't pick what I love the most! The chairs? The frames in the bathroom? The tile! Ahhhh! So great!

  4. OMG, absolutely stunnung, all of it (you got to lighten up your pics a bit,,,,). How cld you possibly get to all those things last wekend and take pics also. I know you have been working on things for awhile. The chairs! OMG, all that work doing the same thing over and ove. Love the gold frames, curtains on the dinning room!and the paper on back of cabinet (I HAVE DONE THAT too). Great job on everything!

  5. John says "Wow, it looks like something out of one of those decorating magazines!" I agree, those chairs look WONDERFUL and I have already expressed my absolute LOVE of the bathroom...You've got the talent!!

  6. I LOVE it all!!

    You already know how much I love the bathroom...but those chairs are AMAZING!!!! Can't wait to see what that dining room looks like at night all lit up!

  7. Okay- so the dining room is gorgeous! I LOVE the curtains- and the contrast stripe on the chairs with the floral is great! i also LOVE the wallpaper back on the cabinet- SO pretty!

  8. Oh my goodness too much loveliness here Brandi!!! Your bathroon is CRAZY stunning, I love the gold frames. And your chairs are magic. Gorgeous job girl, you have fabulous style!
    Thank you for your super kind comment today over at The Glam Lamb, I sooo appreciated it :)
    Nancy xo

  9. Those curtains and those chairs in the dining room are so super fun. This is really beautiful, congrats on the look after all your hard work!

  10. LOVE the chairs and the striped fabric! The tile in your bathroom is amazing! Just found your blog! Great job!

  11. Okay, so I'm officially obsessed with your blog and your house! Love the dramatic change in the dining room and ALL those windows. You restroom is ridiculously awesome and I will be using your open frames wall as an inspiration for the future. Great job!


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