Monday, March 21, 2011

Inspiring Art

I have a board on Pinterest aptly titled "art". I see so many amazing pieces of art in my day to day perusing that make my heart sing so it's nice to have a place to save them all. Most of them serve as inspiration of art I would love to DIY for myself. Not that I'm an artiste or anything but I would certainly love to try!

                                                                  Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

This is one of the more unique ideas I've come across. Wouldn't it be a great way to display an old wedding dress or a child's tutu possibly?

                                                           Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

                                                             Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

I love this idea! Since Scott and I wrote our own wedding vows I think it would be so sweet to make some art using them.

                                                               Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

This one feels similar to my drippy painting.

                                                                       Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

This would be great in a soft color palette. I'm picturing various shades of gray, sepia, and gold...

                                                                       Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

Although not a piece of art, I find this display very inspiring! I know most of us probably have a million sample cans of paint lying around (I know I do!) that we could use to do this.

                                                                Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

Now this room is stunning and overall just gorgeous right! That inky wall is really doing it for me. The artwork there is just fantastic and the palette is right up my alley!

I guess I just have art on the brain lately because I'm building up my collection for a HUGE artwall in my living room. I'm hoping to do a mix of bought art and art made by me. If you had told me even a year ago I would be making my own art I would have laughed in your face! But I've been bitten by the art bug and now I'm full of ideas and desire to create! It's wonderful! Have you made anything lately?

Stay tuned tomorrow for a round up of all my weekend projects!



  1. Beautiful and unique ideas!! Xoxoxo

  2. this pinterest thing is pretty cool...looks like you recommend it so I'll try.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've been obsessing over the 5th one down... LOVE it!

  5. very inspiring Ideas! Great to know that,
    thanks for sharing:)

  6. Cool Ideas! like this sharing:) i will apply it to my self here!

  7. PS I'm on the wait list for Pinterest. Looks like you got in just in time. :)

  8. like this ideas! i will follow up this ideas while redecorating my home!


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