Thursday, March 24, 2011

Busy Busy Bee Part 2!

 As promised here are a few more things I got done around the house this weekend. Thanks for all your sweet comments on my dining room and bathroom. It means so much to me to hear from you!

Some of my long time followers know I've been collecting vintage beveled edge mirrors for my entry way for quite some time. Finally I felt like I had enough to actually hang them.

 I love the look. The bevel gives them an almost jewelry like appeal that glitters as I walk past. The only thing is unfortunately I feel like I do need a few more to fill in the top part and maybe some small ones on the sides so the search continues! But I'm happy to have it up and going.

I can't wait until we get wood floors so I can cover up this star! I know a lot of people comment how they love the stained concrete but I seriously loathe it. The previous owner had it done and it's a rusty brown color, not pretty. The stain is also really uneven and splotchy. Not to mention I live in a house in the BURBS not a fancy pants loft dammit, this look does not make sense here!

I also finally hung my vintage painting and sconces in the bedroom.

Yeah, so about those squares of color on the wall...that is what indecision + design ADD look like. I've even bought another sample to try out since I took this picture!

This picture is not great but the sconces look very pretty when they're lit. I got the painting for $20 at a thrift store in Dallas that has a vast selection of vintage art. The sconces I got at a flea market in Houston for $40 for the pair. Scott is going to hardwire them for me soon cuz the cords=not so pretty.
I didn't really bother to accessorize the top of the dresser since I clearly don't know what I'm doing in here, hence all the paint!

That's what's new around my house this week! Have you completed any projects lately?



  1. Love those mirrors- so so pretty! What a find on the painting and your sconces are lovely! I love seeing these updates:)

  2. Great collection of mirrors, the color on the wall behind them is lovely.

  3. Love the collection of mirrors!

  4. Wanted to tell you that you have a very beautiful home, and I love your beveled mirror collection.

  5. The mirrors are gorgeous! As for the paint, I like the top left.

  6. You're so good at finding great finds like these. Those sconces are gorgeous!

  7. First off, you and your home are *fabulous* lured me over here with your great post over at Modern Jane...and you did not disappoint!

    Second, absolutely adore the vintage mirror collection, that is such a fun thing to collect!

    Last, I think I'm gonna like it here (c: Happy Friday!

  8. You got more stuff done? Come on! you can never try to many paint colors and some 2 buck cord covers you can paint to match the walls is an easy fix. They have ready stick advessive on the back. And it is so easy to lighten your lics a bit if you want to...

  9. I love love love beveled mirrors. I spied your star light, I have a VERY similar one in my entry!!

  10. The mirrors are really pretty especially if you add more to the wall. And Cat is right about that tape crap. Its good to use just in case you decide to move them.

  11. Lovely!! Your home is so gorgeous and I always enjoy the sneak peeks. I just adore the two-toned furniture you have.
    Nancy xo

  12. The sconces are awesome. And no worries about the plethora of paint samples... that's how you get the perfect color!


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