Monday, February 7, 2011

Better Than One!

I love the over the top look of having more than one light over a dining table or in any space for that matter. It's so opulent and luxurious!

                                                                 Source: via Ingrid on Pinterest

                                                                 Source: via Bright.Bazaar on Pinterest

Is anyone else loathing this Monday as much as me? Geez Louis, I picked up two last minute dancing gigs this weekend at some very glamorous super bowl parties here in Dallas. I can't even count the amount of celebrities I saw on one hand! Hopefully pictures will be posted on the party company's website soon and then I will surely share. It was such a blast!

How was your weekend?



  1. Please supply us with pictures of your party/sightings!!! And I love two chandy's over a table- so indulgent and glamorous.

  2. I'm pretty sure that if I had the room in the #4 picture that I would never leave it. I would stack a pile of magazines and books on one table and a pot of tea on the other and hibernate.

    Also, excited to hear about your celeb sightings! super fun!!!


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