Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just Because...

I find pretty pictures and I just want to share them with you. Oh, and if you didn't already know I like color, obvs.

Wait to straighten your lamp shade...

I want this so bad, there's even a chandelier in there!

Not sure about the cloud-ish finish on the ceiling but isn't the rest nice. Is that a freaking baby waterfall out the window?!

I love everything about this.

It's thursday, hang in there loves!


  1. I have that little closet/office in my house inspiration files...I love how useful and pretty the space is AND how you can just close the door on it!

  2. What a lovely and beautiful post! Love all the happy and colorful pictures. and that blue couch is AMAZING! what a color .. love it!


  3. omg turquoise couch, hot pink stripes....wowza!

  4. you are the sweetest

    the pom pom pic is my fave

    please come and see my friend's pom poms today

    Happy Weedend!

  5. growing up i always wanted my bed to be in a little nook like that first photo. Love it! and the closet office is super amazing.

  6. Just because is right!! These are some great spaces... love that blue ceiling and the work station!!


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