Friday, August 27, 2010

Currently Obsessed With: A Pair of Chairs

I'm  patiently waiting for the right pair of chairs to come my way for my living room. I love wing back chairs which I see on the Craig all the time but I want something with a bit more pizazz. I'm not sure what this pizazz is specifically but I'll know when I see it you know! I'm thinking upholstery in a funky fabric with a contrasting solid color trim, that would be perfection!

Love the print and colors on this one!

Then again, a solid could be nice...

Of course my wandering eye wants to see more of the chairs in the foreground...I'm never satisfied!

Ok not a pair but you knows whatimsayin.

Do you have a pair of chairs? What do they look like?!

Happy Friday!

Also, please to enjoy this friday mix I made on!


  1. I love matching antique looking chairs, I saw the most fabulous ones in an antique shop in Knutsford, England. They were £900 for the two chairs and a chez-lounge but they looked like they were meant to be in a palace!
    Rianna xxxx

  2. No, but I'm looking for a pair of chairs to replace my couch, so this post caught my eye. I bought a sectional couch seven years ago that seriously needs to be replaced - it doesn't even fit where it is so it is separated as if it is two love seats. So ghetto. Looking for something pretty AND comfortable. A tough bill to fit. These are gorgeous.

  3. I love how a pair of chairs frames a space! In fact I love them so much I have two sets! lol!
    Happy weekend!


  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the first picture. A pair of violet wing back chairs... so pretty! I have a pair in a linen fabric... too boring ... I need some pizazz!


  5. Yes! Yes! Yes! An eclectic chair pair is a must in any home. I currently do not have room to add a pair of chairs to my home, but as soon as I upgrade, I plan to fill it with eclectic furniture. Ooh, can you do an article on settee chairs? I love the antique feel they automatically give a space!

  6. Love the b&w striped couch!


  7. Really like the purple ones! I agree, wing chairs are stodgy unless jazzed up like this! XX!

  8. You sure picked out a fabulous collection of chairs!! Love the lavender ones... Yumm! :-)

  9. So pretty, really loving the prints on these chairs! Great fabrics.

  10. love them chairs! i think these beautiful pics have got be a wee bit obsessed with chairs now too...



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