Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Selina Lake Romantic Style Entry

I really want to submit a photo to Selena Lake's Romantic Style contest. Problem is, I can only submit one and I have several that I like. So I'm going to need your help, my bff blogging buddies to help me choose a photo! All these photos were taken by me I just want to know which one you think has the most romantic style.





Ok so which one has the best romantic style?


  1. so hard to choose.. they all look so romantic! My favorites are #1 and #2.

  2. I would choose #4...the images in 2 and 4 are the most distinct...but 4 seems the most romantic.

  3. # 4! Perfect! Thanks for all your well wishes for my new shop. xx

  4. I don't think the one with the dress, and I like the last one with the flowers the best.

  5. Go with 4, they are all lovely though!

  6. um that dress ... i'll take it in a size 6 please. the perfect lbd.


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