Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gimme Gimme Gimme

I'm sure you remember this post with the beautiful old school clock painted the perfect shade of blue. Now Anthro has a ton of it and I want it all!

Anthro, $328

Anthro, $268

Anthro, $198 (not the same but I still want it, so that counts)

Amazon, $69

Amazon, $14.99


  1. I barely use my kitchen, but I am strangely attracted to the turquoise hand mixer. Mmm, hand mixer. Is that weird?

  2. Tea Party Crasher: Not weird at all! Maybe if you had a lot of pretty things in your kitchen you would use it more? At least that would be a great excuse to buy things!

  3. oh good gravy. more kitchen gadgets in my favorite color. when will i when the lottery!?


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