Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Christmas Tree, better late than never right?

What can I say? I have no excuse really so here is our tree for 2009!

I wasn't going to buy a tree this year because the reality is, we're really not home the week of Christmas. I was thinking it would be good to save the money as well. Then I ended up being given the perfect size artificial tree by my MIL. So of course then I HAD to have new ornaments which ended up costing as much as a tree anyways, oh well...

I wanted something really colorful and the ornaments at Target were perfect.


The tree topper was our favorite

 My Christmas table with a vintage tablecloth and miniature feather trees with ornaments. The cat just loooooooved this one. Every time I came home I would find ornaments on the floor and feathers everywhere. Guess the trees won't make it to next year.
We had so many presents under the tree this year. It was so awesome!
Of course once all the kids combined presents at mom's house it was even crazier!
We decided to open a few presents a day the two days before Christmas. Why you ask? Because we're adults and we do what we want, that's why!

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