Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Wing Chairs are done! Oh Joy!


A year in the making and our chairs are finally done.

That's right, a year. 

It took several months of craigslist stalking to find the chairs. I wanted a wing back but not the usual wingback you know. I also didn't want to pay very much for them. After months I found these guys for only $100 for the pair.

Then I searched FOR MONTHS to find fabric I liked. When I found this suzani I knew this was it. But it was $$$. I needed 14 yards which cost about $500 smackers. 

I patiently waited more months to save up the dough. A miracle happened when I answered a little survey for High Fashion Home (where the fabric is from). They drew my name and I won a gift card for $200! It was meant to be.

More saving happened. Then I had to order the fabric and wait for it to come in for 4 weeks. While that happened we saved yet again. This time for the upholstery. More months...

But now they're dunzo.

And I couldn't be happier. I seriously was inside my house looking out the front window when the upholsterer pulled up and started unloading them. I squealed, I jumped up and down. Luckily no one else was home to witness my crazy.

With the new chairs the gray rug didn't work anymore. I put it in our master and moved the seagrass in here. I HATE the seagrass in here. It's too small, the color is not right for the room. It sucks. Have you ever updated something only for it to highlight how shitty something else is? That's me now. 

Oh wells, I'll console myself with our new chairs.

In other news we finally have presents under the tree and an empty bank account to show for it. More are on the way and this baby is going to be full and happy. 

I also got some pretty gold candlesticks. Shiny...

And I got a pic of our new pendant in the daytime. I freaking love it!

Happy hump day!



  1. Gorg! All of it! The pendant, the chairs. Loving it all!

  2. Wow! The chairs are amazing. Love them and that pendant is stunning :)

  3. Incredible! They are absolutely perfect! And the light fixture is perfect for your room!

  4. Oh dear Lord, these are stunning!!! Love the suzani touch & the color way! ADORE!
    Nancy xo

  5. They are absolutely gorgeous! Congrats. I would have jumped for joy too.

    Too bad about the rug. That's the ugly side of decorating. What are your new thoughts?

  6. Eek! What a great thing to get completed. They look absolutely fab!!!

  7. Wow! That pendant is off the wall amazing!!!!!


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