Friday, December 16, 2011

Before & After: Bamboo Dresser

Remember this dresser I bought a few months ago?

I got it at Canton for only $45. Luckily Sarah was there to convince me to buy it, as I was hesitant on how easily it could be painted.

"You can paint ANYTHING!", she said. And she was right...

Boo-ya! Pink bamboo dresser with shiny gold hardware!

I'm thinking a large painting needs to go over this.

I got the hardware at a local hardware store called Elliot's. It was about $60 total.

I quickly gathered some pretties from around the house and put them up. I think a larger statement lamp needs to go here.

And there's more surprises on the inside!

The pink is Ballet Slipper from Krylon. The sides are apricot by Valspar.

So with $45 for the dresser, $60 for the hardware and about $30 for all the paint, primer and poly. The total is only $135, not too bad!

I also started taking this stool apart on a whim to recover it.

I. Have. No. Idea. What. I'm. Doing.

Wish me luck into my upholstery foray.

I continued my stealing with this chair and side table from the living room. It's perfect in here!

Happy Friday Lovers!


PS. Yesterday was the day to send out your gift for the gift swap. Mine is late. I suck. It's going out monday. My giftee doesn't know who they are but I'm saying I'm sorry in advance!


  1. I am crazy about bamboo anything, especially chests. you did a GREAT job! donna

  2. Soo beautiful.. You did such an amazing job..Love it..sooo adorable!!! I'm Marilyn, your newest happy follower here.. Absolutely awesome blog you have here.. So much inspiration.. Looking forward to reading more of your inspiring features and post... Hope you can stop in and visit my blog sometime.. ..Have a lovely weekend..

  3. Loveeee the pink! I am so happy I stumbled across your blog, new follower! Hope you'll check out mine :). I'm about to endeavor on an upholstery project as well! x

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  4. You could not have picked a better color!! Looks fantastic.

  5. Wow - I would have never thought pink would look so freaking fantastic! Seriously lovely!!

  6. How did I miss this post? OMG - the dresser looks AMAZING! I love it. the hardware is perfect. You are so clever.

  7. Whoa.....that dresser has me singing very loud! I want it badly. What a flipping score!


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