Friday, November 4, 2011

Backyard Tour! Get ready to Drool!

I recently came across this amazing home and couldn't wait to share it with you. Lynne's dream is to have her home published and I think the world needs to see the amazing job she's done. I want to see more!

I could sit here all day. The trees are so big and beautiful!

Are you kidding me? Lynne, pool party at your place? I'll bring the cupcakes and adult beverages.

From Lynne's blog about the outdoor shower:

"This mosaic has a bit of a story.  I didn’t know how to draw a mermaid.  I stood in the shower stall and had my Mom trace me.  I did advice her to draw me skinnier with bigger breasts.  It is a mermaid with a sense of humour.  I also DEFACED Canadian pennies.  Confession time again.  It is ‘kinda’ against the law to glue pennies to a wall, isn’t it ? Ooops.  I did it in the name of design."

We feel ya Lynne, we feel ya.

This is my favorite thing!

All images courtesy of Lynne's blog, Design the Life you Want. Go here to see more pics of her home and read all about it!

Have Friday lovers!



  1. This place is calling out for a fabulous pool party! Have a lovely weekend, Brandi! xo

  2. Wow Brandi,
    Thank you!!!!from the bottom of the heart for posting about my place on your blog !! I am screaming with excitement right now - that you did that !!!!
    I have a brilliant plan ! Let's celebrate with a POOL PARTY at my place !! Best part about the pool, is the friends that come :)
    ....AND ....Then we can stay up half the night and all of us can sleep out in the treehouse ! It is getting cold here, and I am already missing sleeping in the treehouse. Boo.
    Cheers !!

  3. Lovely! This place is like Eden. Excellent photography too!

  4. Wow-- I've been seeing those wicker balls at craft stores for a decade now and wondering what the heck people did with them. This is the first time I've seen them used in anything besides an overly artsy centerpiece.


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