Monday, October 31, 2011

Art Wall is Up!

I actually did a project this weekend people! Motivation is back!

I got all of my art hung. It was sitting on the floor gathering dog hair for so long. But now it's up! I also completed my paint chip art. That's two projects, look at me go!

I still have plenty of room to hang more pieces once I have them. I didn't really plan out the arrangement because I have a secret weapon.

My mother in law got this for me. It's the best tool that I never knew existed that I now can't live without. You hang the art on this little hook. It even has levelers on it.

Once you have it in place you press this little piece and a pokey thing (technical term there) marks the spot on the wall for your nail. It's awesome!

This is my new piece of art made from paint chips.

                                                                           Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

This was the inspiration for it.

I made this little arrangement as well. (does that count as a third project? woah...)

I had my dining room photographed by a pro. More on why later.

I finally have a complete set of wine glasses. I've had my eye on these forever. Aren't they gorgeous?

What did you do this weekend?



  1. I want that tool! Congrats on being so productive. I did zippo this weekend and it felt real good ;)

  2. First of all, I love your paint chip art! Second, I'm kinda dying over the wine glasses in your gorgeous dining room! I need them!

  3. The wall is coming along nicely, and if I ever visited I would jack that gold vase. You've been warned. Don't invite me over for tea and crumpets.

  4. Your art wall looks beautiful..just like your dining room! I need to get me one of those art hanging thingies.. why does it always take so long to hang art?? I do the same thing but once its up its like WOW!

  5. Those wine glasses are amazing and congrats on your art wall. It is totes fab! And I'm exited to hear more about the professional photographer.

  6. I like the paint chip art. Well done.


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