Friday, March 11, 2011

Craving Spring

The weather has been teasing me with slightly warmer temperatures. Not cold enough for a sweater but not warm enough for a cute dress just yet. It's torture! It gets sunny and it looks warm but you walk outside and the wind punches you right in the face and says "mwah haha! you thought it was going to be warm didn't you?!"

No matter the weather, I'm going to be working in the yard this weekend preparing the garden for some more plants and murdering some nasty weeds. That's right I said MURDER, I'm coming for YOU weeds!

Eventually I'd like to overhaul my patio from sad to fab with a little bohemian vibe. I'll settle for just looking at inspiration pics for now...

This was always one of my favorite outdoor spaces on Design Sponge, see the rest of the home here.

I could spend my whole weekend here couldn't you? What will you be doing this weekend?



  1. what a bunch of pretty pictures! Makes me want to go work out in the garden

  2. Oh- I hear ya girl! The sun peeked out behind the rain clouds for a bit today, and it was around 50 degrees- that's the closest we've come to spring so far this year! Thanks for the great images!

  3. The first image is perfection...dreaming of Spring!!

  4. Brandi: I am so glad you posted on my blog so I found yours, LUV it. I hate to tell you but I have LILACs beginning to bloom. I love that built in seating in the 4th pic! I am definitely trying to build that, looks fairly easy. And that YELLOW pergula is soo pretty but oh the maintainence!


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