Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ace Hotel; I Want to go to There

A friend sent me a link to this hotel the other day and it is just too awesome not to share!

Ace Hotel is a boutique hotel line with locations in Portland, Seattle, Palm Springs and New York City. Upon first look it's hard to imagine that this is a hotel room and not someone's apartment full of DIY projects and thrifted finds.

You will even find details not usually seen in your typical hotel, like a clawfoot tub.

And doors on sliders, such a great touch.

And because each room features vintage furniture, no two are exactly alike!

I find the rooms in Palm Springs especially inspiring...

Be still my beating heart!

A lot of the rooms feature this gauzy fabric covering a whole wall. I just love this look!

I could keep going on and on but you should check it out for yourself! So much more eye candy on their website!



  1. OH MY GAWWWWDWD. I love Ace Hotel. I just posted about it the other day.. The designers are a firm called "commune"
    Check out there portfolio cause its stunning. I had the pleasure of going to the Ace in palm springs a couple times before my little one was here and it's just as fab as it looks in pics.
    check out my post. xoxoxox

  2. I was just going to refer to Amber's post about it but it looks like she beat me to the punch:) From all accounts, this place looks amazing!!! Would love love to go.

  3. haha, michael and i have stayed at 3 out of 4 of them. easily THE BEST hotels ever!

    the only one we haven't been to is the seattle location... which is about 10 minutes away from our house :P


  4. I really want to stay in an Ace Hotel. Amazingness! I live in Portland and have been contemplating planning a *staycation* and booking a room there for a night/weekend. :)

  5. That burl wood table is calling my name. Bri...Bri...

  6. Yum!!! Makes me want to start cooking!
    Thanks for sharing a fun fact.
    Have a wonderful week.

  7. Love these and so want to book a trip (hopefully not the room with the cat wall, I feel like it would follow me all over the room!) :)


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