Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sleep to Dream

I've been feeling a bit under the weather this week with yet another bout of sickness in a two week span. Word to the wise people, don't go the mall this time of year. I think that's where i picked it up over the weekend. People are so rude goin around touching things when they're sick, RUDE!

Anyhoo, my meds are leaving me feeling a bit groggy and zombie-like this morning and getting back in bed is all I can think about. To bad I have to make a living so I can buy crap like paint and fabric and blah blah blah.

So here's to wishing...

I've been seeing these feather things everywhere. Any one know where they're from? I like.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Ugh I'm sick too, I've been stuffing my face with vitamin C,D and taking those immunity yogurt shots you find in the fridge isle I can already feel it cut my cold in half. Hope you feel better soon being sick is the worst.

  2. These pictures make me want bed too- the last one in pretty. Feel better soon!


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