Monday, November 15, 2010

Housin' Around

I recently finished up several projects I've been ever so slowly working on so I'm really excited to share them with you!

First up, I refinished the table in our entry and styled out a little "moment" for when you walk in. It's not quite complete because I'm still collecting beveled edge mirrors for above the table so I put a piece of artwork we already owned there temporarily.

Check out the before;

Can you say blah? But I had big plans for it!

It's hard to tell in the pictures but the color is Pillow Mint by Valspar. It's a great crisp and light minty color. I love it! The console I painted glossy black with white glossy drawers and new knobs from Anthropologie.

This little cup is from Goodwill and usually holds my Husband's keys.
This beautiful vintage tray was a gift from my very best friend. It has hundreds of butterfly wings pressed in the glass. Hopefully they were already dead before their wings were stolen...

I also added some cute but functional pieces like this mail basket from Aidan Gray.

And this is where our dog leashes live, glamorous no?

My awesome mirror found it's permanent home by the TV in the living. I love it so...

I scored these super cute sconces for $40. Not sure where their home will be but I'm excited to figure it out!

And last but not least I did a little hallway makeover. No reason for a hallway to be neglected right? It was supposed to be a weekend project that turned into a two-weekender + some evenings. Technically it's still not done but it's close enough to show you!


Boring-city, sorry for the crappy picture quality.

And now!

It is reeeeeally hard to take a picture of a hallway. Anyhoo I painted stripes with my favorite gray, Nimbus Cloud by Martha Stewart. Then I bought some simple frames from Hobby Lobby and painted them a Robin's Egg Blue.

I love the way these colors look together. I'm still waiting on some mats to come in to finish out the look. Bee-tee-dub, don't buy 10x13 frames. You can't find places to print a picture this size or pre-made mats for this size. Just save yourself the hassle and skip them.

Overall, I'm really excited about the new look. The only thing I'm hoping to add is this light fixture from Ballard's.

I think this would look great in here. It's on my wish list for Christmas (ahem, cough cough family)

I also decided to go with the small stripe on our dining chairs.

I know most of you said to go big but with my cat I just knew it was a bad idea. Meowser would sit on all the chairs and possibly throw up on one right on the white part and then Scott would have to hear me cry about how "we can never have nice things" and that would be bad. 
What do you think? How was your weekend?!


  1. Beautiful, and especially adore the striped wall in the hallway (hallways= tricky bastards) and your robin's egg blue frames. Would love that in ours!

  2. So pretty and I love the color choice!

  3. It looks Fab!! I love how you painted the console and the styling is gorgeous- the butterfly tray is amazing and I love all the hits of colour. Your stripes in the hallway make such a huge impact and I love the turquoise frames. The pink sconces are amazing and your mirror is sick!!! Beautiful job!

  4. Great after the styled table looks nice! I painted stripes in my hallways as well in blue, it really dresses up a wall, good choice.

    BTW the mirror is AWESOME!

  5. striped hallway is sooo cute. Love where you put the cool mirror next to the tv alcove. The transformation of your house into a home is fun to watch.

  6. WOW! Your entry is amazing and that hallway is gorgeous with the stripes!

    I love all your projects! Keep up all your hard work it is totally paying off!


  7. Your hallway makeover is completely gorgeous! The white and gray is so chic yet subtle. Great job!

  8. super fantastic!!

    prouds like your mom.

  9. Awww... I'm a sucker for those dog leashes all OCD like that. ;)

  10. Holy crap! I love the hallway, Brandi. Fabulous job! As for the star light fixture...My dad was an accountant for Six Flags when I was a kid. They closed down one of the rides or buildings in the Mexican part and he brought home all the light fixtures. My garage was filled with those stars and I always loved them. My parents never used them as fixtures, but removed the electrical stuff and we had glass stars on tables and the mantle. I really wanted to put some over our "bar" but our ceilings are so low, so my new plan is to design a chandelier of them and have Michael build it. I'd love one hung over my dining table, and also a large cluster hanging in my staircase. I LOVE those stars. And by the way, your living room mirror is probably the most amazing mirror ever.


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