Thursday, November 4, 2010

Couch...and Social!

It's mine! MINE MINE MINE!


Now the fabric hunt begins. I'm expecting this to be a long and painful process. It took almost 6 months for me to find curtain fabric for the dining room and this is a whole couch! I'm going to be as picky as a 5th grader with a wedgie. Thankfully, I'm going back to my hometown of Houston this weekend where I can stop by the amazing High Fashion Home fabric store and collect swatches to ruminate on.

Here is my inspiration

And for my future chairs...

Also tonight I'm going to meet bunches of other Dallas bloggers at my first Blogger Social, I can't wait!

In other news, this happened yesterday, blerg...

There was a person making an illegal U-turn causing a traffic jam and subsequent 4 car pile up and since I technically rear ended someone, it's my fault. I also don't have collision insurance so my insurance is not only not going to pay for my car but raise my rate for "causing" an accident. Some justice right? Can someone please explain this logic to me? No matter what some driver does to block traffic and drive all stupid it's technically MY fault for not driving defensively? Makes no sense people! BTW no one was hurt at least, just a lot of extremely pissed drivers, and oh yeah, the person making the u turn drove off of course. AWESOME!

Anyways, what's done is done and I'm ready to accept it and move on. What else can you do really?

So what's new with you?


  1. So glad you're okay, Brandi. Love that couch, and can just picture it in blue velvet with that tufting. Scrumptious!
    I'll see you at the social, so happy that I'll know someone.

  2. Um dude - whoah!

    check out my couch.

    that is crazy how similar they are!
    Mine is just my lounger in our bedroom and i'm planning to keep the fabric b/c it's in pretty good condition. I looked into reupholstering it and it would be $900 just for the work, not including new fabric. Boo. Still - I love it!

    I'm intrigued by the last photo... the patterned body with white cushions... I've never seen something like that (that I can remember). It looks really cool!

  3. This couch is AMAZING! Glad everyone is okay from the accident and your attitude of "what's done is done, lets move on" is an attitude a lot more people need to aquire :) Have a great weekend xoxoxo

  4. Brandi, so sorry about your car. That stinks! Excited about your new couch, though! Looks like your home is slowly, but steadily coming together!

  5. oh that makes me mad sorry that happened. Although happy to see you got the sofa can't wait to see the finished product!!

    P.s. if you have kids becareful what fabric you choose those little buggers ruin everything haha j/k!
    no not really.

  6. Sorry about your car! I am loving your inspiration, the second couch fabric looks so inviting!

  7. I looked for you at the social but couldn't find you... I have a hard time recognizing people I've not met. I only have your cute will blogger profile photo to go from. Now we must get together for coffee!

  8. Love the couch and the idea of blue velvet tufting is delish! So sorry about your car but glad to hear everyone is OK- have a great weekend!

  9. shitness. i can't wait to see it all done!

  10. Loving your couch, great shape and your inspiration for it is gorgeous. Can't wait to see it.


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