Friday, November 5, 2010

Big Stripe or Little Stripe?

I'm stuck again when it comes to fabric, poopers. I thought I wanted to do a big stripe on my dining chairs, I even bought the fabric.

But naturally now I am debating. My fat cat likes to lounge on the chairs underneath the table where the dogs will leave him alone. This means the thick white stripe will get dirty unless I keep a towel there or something which is annoying. Plus then I saw this picture...

And I thought a little baby stripe would be nice too and solve the cat problem. But then again, the big stripes are so nice.

Then I got all panicky thinking, "Is there enough contrast in my dining room? Should I go with something else completely? Like a solid velvet or linen or something?" and now friends I'm all confused. You see the dining room is right off the living room so they must flow so too much color in either room would hurt your eyeballs. That being said, I haven't really started on the living room at all except for the couch purchase but it's all basically a blank slate. Not that I want some stinking chairs to dictate the most important room in my home.

Thoughts please? Big stripe, little stripe, different color all together? If so, then what? I need you...

*Also thanks for your comments yesterday. I'm so glad no one was hurt it's just been really hard to come to terms with how a small incident can change things, but I appreciate your thoughts.


  1. I like the little stripes better, and I'm all about the black and white! It won't limit your color selections later on, and the little stripes won't overpower either room. Can't wait to see the finished project!! I need to recover an ikea couch we have that's blue...never recovered anything before, so now i'll be going fabric hunting!

  2. I like the thicker stripe. Not only does black and white do with anything, but the thicker line is easier on the eyes, making the chair look really classy and chic!

  3. I also second the little stripes, you can always use the big stripes somewhere else don't feel bad I have a butt load of fabric I purchased and didn't use for said project but have eventually somewhere else.

  4. I'm definintely in the big stripes camp- love them! And as another idea, I am doing some chairs in Marimekko Joonas (black and white but more curvy pattern- there are pics on my blog)- might give you the same graphic look but I don't think dirt would be as much of an issue- the fabric is actually teflon coated and really heavy duty.
    Good luck- picking fabrics is so hard when there are so many amazing ones out there.

  5. are those curtains staying? I'm just worried about the patterns mixing.

  6. Oh no, I love them both so much!! I know that's not very much help is it?? Good luck on your choice, I think whatever you do it will look fabulous!!
    Nancy xo

  7. I like the wider strips myself. But, then, my decorating sense derives from things I've bought from target and ikea that are brown, blue, or deep red. Still, big stripes. I like them.

    Also, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident! I have totaled a car before, in an accident that wasn't really my fault. It SUCKS! Glad you're alright.


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