Friday, October 22, 2010

Update on the Happenings

Remember my teaser post from last week? Well three of those projects are done hooray!!! The fourth one, it seems, is going to have to wait many many weeks to be completed due to a certain bathtub and a certain contractor taking their sweet time finishing up the bathroom, but such is life!

First up here is my very first painting, like ever.

I'm super pleased with it

I'm pretty sure this isn't it's permanent home but I HAD to hang it. Who knows when I will find it's permanent home right? I'm very happy with the color choices and the way they all fit together. My picture taking skills don't do it justice of course. You like?

And the next project, little brackets in the door-jamb of the TV nook. Pay no attention to the paint job back there, that's a project for a later date...

I really love little touches like this. You may recall my other ones that are similar.

It makes our home have a little bit more character and charm, something that is always missing in the 'burbs.

Next, even though the rest of our bathroom looks like crap, the shower is done. Ladies and gents, for the first time in 18 months since we've lived here I was able to actually shower in my master bath. This is HUGE! So I'm going to show you befores, again.

Barf, first removed the texture, painted a neutral color and took down the mirrors.

Then it looked like this...

Much better, but still not there being that the shower had a huge whole in the tile since we had a leak.

Now it looks like this!

You've come a long way baby, and still have a long way to go!

Obviously we still have to install the tub and do all the back splash work, new countertops and new doors on the vanities and real tile on the floor instead of stained concrete, give the whole thing a coat of paint and it will be transformed!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Mine is going to involve a can of paint and some tape, details later!


  1. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    great job!

  2. Wow! This transformation is amazing!! I love what you have done so far, the tiles in the shower are stunning. Can't wait to see more!

  3. Nice work. I also love the little details for the door.

  4. That painting is incredible and your bathroom looks amazing!


  5. I'd love to see a little tutorial on how you made that painting. Such a creative idea, I love it.

  6. i LOVE the painting! may i ask what kind of paint you used? great work!!


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