Thursday, October 21, 2010

This...I Swear...

This is the kind of thing that makes you want to scrap every idea and project that's been brewing in your head and start completely over. You know the feeling...

You know what I mean here people, I'm sure it's happened to all of us. You see something that inspires you so much that everything swimming in your head gets all jumbled up and you have this uneasy feeling, stuff you once knew gets pushed out of your head and you forget what the name is for everyday objects.
The black walls, the drapey curtains, the subtle pops of color, the artwork oh my!

Just look at the Hot Pink on the legs of the chairs, look at it PEOPLE! I'm painting my dining chairs white, I could DO THIS!

I'm overwhelmed, I need time to ruminate...

All photos are of the living of Nichole from Parlour Home Blog, vote for her on Apartment Therapy's Room for color contest, and also for Keely's awesome place too!

I hate you Court for showing me this!


  1. yeah, and did you see that that big white ball 'chandelier' is a paper lantern covered with thousands of coffee filters!? wow!

  2. great space

  3. omg, i really want to make that light for my dining room! thanks for the inspiration brandi!

  4. oh, brandi, you LOVEEEE me. You're welcome. hahahha


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