Wednesday, July 28, 2010

She's Thrifty

I've managed to scrounge up some great finds at really good prices over the past few weeks. What can I say, I'm a vintage junkie! Aren't we all though?

Mercury glass candle sticks, purchased at the Brooklyn Flea

Small Blue Bud Vase, purchased at the Chelsea Flea

Small Blue Glass lighter, it still works! Clearly, I'm collecting this color blue glass now!

Large green Art Deco tray, this is like a blue one I already have that I love!

Super cute container, I LOVE vintage kitchen stuff

Small butterfly artwork. I'm going to use this in an art wall I'm creating, stay tuned!

2 new hatboxes for my collection. Isn't this pink Schiaparelli one amazing!

Ok, you got me, this one isn't vintage but I'm in love with it. It's a soap pump from target that I loved so much I went back and got another one for my guest bath. No more bottles of soap on the counter!

Have you gotten any treasures lately?


  1. Oooh! What fabulous finds, I love the bud vase and the tray, and the pink hat box!! You've found some pretty amazing pieces. Thank you for popping by my blog, I really appreciate it!

  2. Those are some beautiful finds! I envy you, I'm just terrible at finding lovely vintage things (no patience I suppose).
    ...but I have the same Target soap pump that you do, its in my kitchen :)

  3. Nice scores! That second photo has some glass spheres that I am loving... What are those?


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