Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Like Me, You Really Like Me!

I got my first ever Blog award from Breaking Down the Big Beige Box, woo hoo! This is also my 100th post, how perfect!

I never thought I'd make so many friends through blogging online. I simply started this blog hoping to get inspired and be inspired and by golly I think I've done it! I'd also like to say thank you to all my wonderful followers and commenters and new followers as well via A Perfect Gray! I can't wait to get to know all of you better!
The award decrees that you must list 10 things that make you happy + nominate 10 other blogs.

Here are 10 things that make me happy...

1. Sleepy dogs

2. Fat cats aka Meowser

3. Funny pictures of animals

4. The love of my life, Scott

5. Traveling with said love of life

6. Shoes

7. Sunshine

8. Chilaxin at my parents farm

9. Chilaxin at scott's parent's lakehouse
From 4th of July

10. Antiques

Now I will award the Happy 101 to 10 other blogs that make me happy!

I know I only have 9 here...Clearly I will be looking for some new awesome blogs ASAP!

P.S. My computer got a nasty virus so if anyone has received any emails from me with a link, don't click it! It should be better soon and I will get back to my regular posting, including What Makes a House a Home with A Perfect Gray!


  1. Congrats on your awesome-ness... you totally deserve big kudos for a beautiful blog! PS, I love the photo of you and your man in front of the McKinney trolley! So cute.

  2. Thank you Sarah! so nice to see you here on FOW!

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