Friday, April 2, 2010

A Place to Hide

See more of this amazing apartment design here.

What is it about tiny spaces that is so appealing? I feel like with a good book and a hot drink I could curl up in one of these places and stay the whole day. A nook is going on my must-have list for when the hubs and I build our dream home from scratch one day. Along with hidden rooms and spiral staircases...


  1. Always love a nook......nice post...great blog..found you via APerfectGray.......following...K

  2. Hi Paisley, First of all, I adore your name! Second, I love your blog. Glad I found it. I'll be following. Take care.

  3. Ohhh, so sorry to hear your computer got hit. Happened to mine a few months ago. Hope all is safe...and don't worry about the 'what makes a house a home' are good...! See you when you get back up and running...!


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