Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vintage Hats

I don't know about you but I wish we all wore beautiful hats. It was all but required that women donned some type of head ornamentation for centuries. Alas, as fashion became more casual hats fell more and more unnecessary. That being said I have yet to find a hat that flatters my abnormally small head. This post is for all us dreamers wishing we could wear a hat without looking silly...

You may remember the hat heard 'round the world...

Image from Here

When I watched the inauguration at work that day and Aretha came out in this stunner I went through a range of emotions. First shock, then curiosity, before finally settling on feelings of pride.

What I love most about hats are the vintage ones perfectly matched with each and every outfit and suited for only the most peculiar of occasions. This always makes me wonder how many hats a woman had to own. After all, you can't repeat outfits this stunning very often...

Images from My Vintage Vogue

Even Barbie is with the trend...

For me, and I'm sure most of you as well, the fashion on Mad Men is a highlight of the show. I've seen a great deal of wonderful hats on this show but was only able to drum up these two.

From Here

From Here
A wonderful hat/outfit ensemble worn by Jane when she stuck it to Joan at the office, loved that scene.
So ladies, what's the verdict? Any of you wearing hats these days or just dreaming of them like me?


  1. I adore hats. Adore them. I wear my straw "gangster" hat when I can. I find if I wear hats too much people look at you funny. I think the days have long passed where it is considered part of the wardrobe unfortunately. Thanks for the link here by the way.

  2. I'd like to see you in your "gansta" hat Beach Vintage! I have a hard time picturing it...

  3. Yeah... I can't wait to actually wear the ones I bought. People can think I'm a tart, hipster or just playing dress up but the truth is that they are just schlubs and we are not!

  4. i LOVE hats!
    but i get that "people are staring at me" vibe whenever i wear one. Amri can certainly rock hats. people always compliment her though. maybe that's because she's 7 :)
    at one point i owned my grandmother's collection of antique hats. unfortunately that's no longer the case. boo!

  5. mandy, oh no! What a bummer you don't have that hat collection! Kids can rock almost any look in fashion it's just not fair!


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