Friday, October 23, 2009

Museum Windows

Jennifer and I decorated the windows this month for Chris Madden and Studio. I had to design the concept and gather samples on my own since Jennifer was in Greece. It's hard to be creative when you don't have someone to talk through your ideas with but they actually came out very nice.

The first one is Chris Madden. It's a very traditional brand with a lot of embellishment. Jennifer and I sketched out the frames in the back and then a friend painted over them with gold. They turned out to be a very nice focal point.

The second one is Studio. It's more of a modern and transitional brand. We used the tag line "A new point of view" for this window. I love how things are all askew in this window.

Jennifer and I joked that we find a way to use fishing wire in every window that we do. I just love the way it makes things seem to float around.


  1. I love looking at your windows. Your creativity really shines in each one.

  2. I love those little white balls - and the little jars next to them.


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