Sunday, October 4, 2009

Round Top Photos

I was gifted a used but lovely SLR camera from my father in law recently and I've been spending some time getting used to it. I don't have all the lens' I need for it yet but I was able to borrow one from FIL for the weekend and I took some lovely photos in Round Top. I can't wait to learn more about photography and I'm very excited about the pictures I've taken so far!

A collection of perfume bottles that shimmered in the morning light

A row of vintage slips

A suitcase full of gold

Colorful teacups

Row of gliding lawn chairs

Collection of brooches

Vintage chandeliers galore

Relaxing at his master's booth

Which one is your favorite? Stay tuned for pictures of all the goodies I picked up and I may have some exciting news to share with you tomorrow!

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