Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Latest Modeling Pictures

Did I ever mention that I do some modeling? No? Well I wouldn't call myself a model by any means but I signed up for Model Mayhem a few months ago and have done a few photo shoots with people I met through the site. I'm not expecting to get paid for anything (although money is always welcome!) but I am having a lot of fun and meeting new people which is always wonderful. These are my most bestest photos from a shoot that was mainly focused on hair styling. I'm quite impressed with the outcome. It was such a collaborative effort between the photographer, the hair and make up artists and myself. What do you think?


  1. sorry, i'm an idiot.

    they are all great - but I love the fourth one!!

  2. i dig the dark eye shadow on you. and I agree with laura, the standing one is fabulous!



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