Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Look at me go, I've made a decision!

Just realizing that title sounds all election day-y. But this has nothing to do with politics. 

I found, made a decision and actually purchased something for my home! Maybe decision 2012 did have a hand in it! Sorry, that was cheesy.

I really liked the stencil I had previously picked out for our hall bath remodel but something just wasn't quite right about it.

From here.

So I decided to shop around to see if anything else tickled my fancy. I figured if I don't find anything this is a good option still.

But I found something, oh yes I did.

From here.

Its less art deco, more moroccan and bohemian. I am slowly coming into my style more and feel like this is a step in the right direction.

I did backpedal on my paint decision though.

I chose the middle but now I think i want something more blue, less green. Back to the paint store I guess. My goal is to make a decision by this weekend. We have scheduled a holiday party about 5 weeks away and even if the tile isn't done I want the walls to be. Nothing like having people over to motivate you!

Then the question is, should the stencil be white on blue, or blue on white? Oh the possibilities are endless!

White on dark...

Then there's dark on white...

 Which do you prefer?


1 comment:

  1. I'm liking dark on white, partly because it's fresher, but also because I know from experience that it will be a MILLION times easier for you ;)


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