Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Join my Handmade Holiday Gift Exchange!

                                                                                    Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

Those of you who read the blog last year may be familiar but to those who aren't...

Join my Handmade Holiday Gift Exchange!!!!

It works like this:

Email me your name, address, and website or blog to by November 21st, thats a week from today.

On the 23rd I will email you the person who you will be sending your gift to. This is a circular exchange of sorts. The person who is sending a gift to you will be a surprise!

Then you will have until December 20th to hand make a gift totalling $20 or less. You can alter a bought item or make something from scratch, but it must cost $20 or less in materials and supplies.

Send your gift out by the 20th and wait for yours to come in return!

A few courtesies:

Please email me once you have mailed your gift, this is just so I know everyone has done it. Please don't sign up if you can't commit to sending a gift, its heartbreaking when you don't receive one. Also please be sure and send a thank you or a shout out of some kind to the person who sent you one, it's just good manners ya'll!

                                                             Source: via Irene on Pinterest

So tell your friends so we can make this big big big! 

Don't delay, sign up today! Email me your info at!



  1. Doh - I always miss the date for this! It's been busy this month and I just caught up on your beautiful blog. Ah well. xo

  2. Darnit!!! Ive been away for a while and I come back to an awesome missed opportunity! I love this idea. I have just the perfect gift to make, too! I guess there's always next year:(


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