Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In Case You Were Wondering

About my spare bath. I know you've been frantically checking my blog while screaming "What about the other bathroom Brandi?! You said there was two but I only saw one. Tell meeeeee!"

Well here it is.

I mentioned before that we are renovating it. We have been since January. We are doing all the work ourselves and that means progress is slow. Luckily we have a perfectly beautiful master bath to share and its just the two of us.

So here is what it looked like when we moved in. Texas themed wallpaper and everything. There was no texture on the walls or ceiling. We added that, scraped off the paper, and painted every surface. Oh and we also nixed the texas star toilet paper holder of course.

This is how it looked until January of this year. Except we did find a leak in the wall, AGAIN, and had to tear some tile out. Not as much this time but we couldn't put the tub faucet back in afterwards, so we just had a lovely pipe sticking out of the wall, awesome.

Shortly after starting demo. We ripped out all the tile, the tub, the little half wall between the toilet and sink, and of course the fur downs above the sink and shower areas.

And this is its current state!

Don't worry, that red stuff is a water resistant coating that goes under the shower tile. Doesn't it already look bigger without that half wall and the fur downs? Why did builders ever add those? They suck.

Soon we will tile a simple white subway tile. New countertops, new doors, new marble on the floor. 

I already painted some paint swatches in there. I just couldn't wait. I figure since this room is small with no natural light I'll just go dark. My favorite is the middle one. I like the one on the right, just not for this room.

I'm thinking about doing a stencil in here too. What do you think? Which one of these two do you like better?

This mirror over the sink. It's bone inlay, it will look so pretty on that dark greenish teal wall.

                                                                          Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

I really want to do the shower curtain like the wonderful Naomi from Design Manifest did in a recent project.

I picture an ivory linen edged with this trim.

And the valance above edged with this blue trim.

The vintage rug from the kitchen will come in here too. I've already found a replacement for the kitchen also, just gotta get the funds together.

So what do you think? Anything you love or hate? I'm all ears!

PS Apologies for the long absence. I'm afraid I won't be around much this week as well. I'm working on something VERY important. And before you go guessing it has nothing to do with work or interior design. I'll share next week after its over though!



  1. 2nd Stencil! Loving all the plans :).

  2. Hi there. I was so excited to see a post from you today. Im totally guilty of blog stalking you for the past week. Anywhovers....I love all the changes and def love the wall color! My voted is absolutely for the 2nd stencil. Its totally you. Cant wait to see it all come together.

  3. pretty cool toilet paper holder..we should make sure that our toilet should look good an well organize..i always ask some help to Sydney Bathroom supplies cause they provide everything specially when it comes to bathroom supplies..


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