Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Kitchen

Not much I can really say about this room. After we finish our hall bath remodel this will be the next big project. And when I say big, I mean big. As in scale and price tag. It's going to be a long road...

I took this when we first moved in. All we did really was clean and paint the walls. 

Since then we've gotten a new fridge and a tiny island cart. The layout of this kitchen kinda renders the only usable counter space in the corner, which is difficult. Also the dishwasher to left bumps into the front of the oven range when you open it. I plan to move it to the other side of the sink when we reno. Having the dishwasher there also makes that corner cabinet a black hole. It could be a nice corner with a swivel rack or something. That would give use so much more usable space!

A few  months ago I added this great vintage turkish rug I found on craigslist for $100. It was more than I'd usually spend on a rug this size but duh its vintage and the colors are great! Money well spent methinks.

Up until about 4 or 5 months ago our breakfast nook was pretty much empty. I had other areas to focus on so this fell by the wayside just like putting on mascara did after I decided I didn't care anymore...back to the topic at hand though.

Actually for a really long time I had my office in here. Silly right? We had a good friend renting out our third bedroom (which is now my office) for almost two years so I moved my desk in here since the space wasn't being used anyways. I kinda liked it really, the room gets great light.

I thought a round table would be perfect in here so naturally the ever affordable Ikea Docksta caught my eye with its mid century stylings. I ended up snagging it for $100 off craigslist, which saves $80 as opposed to buying it new.

Then I stumbled on these chairs at one of my favorite antique dumps in Dallas, Richard Hecht on Oak Lawn. It doesn't look like much at first, no shelving, kinda smelly, stuff piled here and there. But I've found some really great things there. When I can catch it open that it. The guy keeps no hours, at least that I know of. I usually just drive by and stop if he happens to be open, which he is about 1 out of 10 times I try to go there. 

 Anyways they are real Danish chairs in great condition and I got all four for $40! No you shut up, yes that's $10 a chair! Absurd!

I recovered the cushions myself with a bit of fabric and a staple gun. The fabric is from one of the best fabric stores in Dallas, Fabric Factory. I didn't need much so I splurged a bit on $50/yard fabric. I think I spent about $85 total for fabric. So with the cost of the chairs that's custom chairs for not a lot of moola!

Something you didn't see in the Houzz tour was the light we have in here which I absolutely love. I need to put it on a chain so it will hang lower but thats a project for another day. I got it at White Elephant. I had seen it for like $175 late last year. I took a picture and just could not stop thinking about it. For MONTHS I thought about this light but I couldn't afford $175! I finally decided that two months had gone by and I still wanted it so I knew it wasn't impulse. I would go back and if it was still there I would put it on lay away, if it wasn't then it just wasn't meant to be. Well I went right before Christmas and not only was it there but it was on sale! I paid $120 for it right then and there.

                                                                                    Photo by Sarah Greenman
                                                                                       Photo by Sarah Greenman

Our cigar store Indian guards this corner of the house. My husbands family owned a furniture store in Witchita for decades. I wish we had more pieces from their store. When they sold it he was able to get this Indian and I love it. It used to freak me out in the dark but now I've grown fond of him. His name is "Chief Mucho Mango", yes that would be the name of a certain beverage made by the Arizona Iced Tea Company.

                                                                                         Photo by Sarah Greenman

                                                                                            Photo by Sarah Greenman

Reno also includes plans the turn the china hutch area into a pantry and the current pantry (its to your left in the above photo) into more cabinets that will house a small appliance center.

So there's our kitchen/breakfast nook. If you have any more questions please ask! Next up is the entry way/hallway!


  1. Can't wait to watch you go through the reno process! My mom's kitchen is in desperate need of a reno and we are milking any inspiration we can get for it!

  2. Yet another awesome space! I can't wait to see the reno come together!!!

  3. I saw a stained glass propped up in the kitchen, I want to know more about that! I seriously seriously love your house.

  4. I am in love with the area rug in your kitchen! So beautiful.

  5. I saw that table on craigslist twice and am kicking myself for not buying it :(


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