Friday, May 11, 2012

Dreaming of a New Entryway

The entryway is one of the first rooms I painted and decorated when we bought our home. And by first I mean I finally made a decision a year after living there.

I'm slow on the uptake I guess.

Well that was two years ago so naturally I'm ready for something new.

I'm sure many of you with a decorating compulsion can't believe I've gone that long without changing it already. I've been focusing on other rooms though. So now that the rest of our home is more planned and decorated I think the entryway could be better.

The color is pillow mint by valspar. I know I know, mint is all the rage right now (i did it before it was cool? Am I awesome enough to claim that?)

I've come to know I'm more of a dark and moody jewel tone lover now.

And with a small space I am craving some boldness here...

 But then the issue with that is its right off the hallway which has these stripes you see.

So my questions are;

Can I do something like a stencil right off the striped hallway?

If not should I repaint the hallway in favor of going bold here?

I also need to look for a new console.

This one is from Target from my college days (fuh-eva ago it seems now)

Its done me well and my paint job has extended its life greatly but its time for it to go!

Some inspiration...

This is one of my favorite entry ways of all time. Its not dark or moody at all I know. I just like the simplicity of it I guess. 

This wall stole my heart.

As did this one. I think the gold stencil might be more subtle to blend with the rest of the house. Remember my living room is right to your left!

The black wall with gold accents and a colorful painting is a wonderful thing in Naomi's loft.

Same vibe here.

I love love love the idea of a floating console. This could be an awesome DIY or Ikea hack too!

My collection of vintage mirrors is going to stay either way. I love it too much to let go yet.

Thoughts on the whole shebang?

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. You *could* do a stencil next to the stripes but I personally favor just going bold with a darker color.

    Hey thanks for including me in your inspiration round up!

  2. Your photos are just amazing! I am so in love with them!

  3. Love the space and all that you've done. I love all your inspiration as well! Love how you incorporate stripes.

  4. The shops in the city center were given over to cater to them, selling waffles, souvenirs and cannabis seeds. Stores catering to residents closed down because of extreme hikes in rent and the lack of customers.

  5. The center was dying -- so much so that the government stopped promoting the whole of Amsterdam as a tourist destination.

  6. Because we have an "intelligent" lockdown, we have been "allowed" to go outside. In the beginning, few people did. Buying groceries or a coffee to go. Or just going for a walk in the park. It became significantly quieter.

  7. After a few days in lockdown, I jumped on my bicycle and rode to the heart of the city, just for fun -- something I haven't done for years.

  8. I biked across the deserted Dam square and through Damstraat, a road normally packed with tourists wandering around and paying little attention to traffic.


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