Friday, February 24, 2012

My Favorite Thing: New Chairs!

I stopped by one of my favorite antique stores Thursday with high hopes.

They did not disappoint!

You won't believe how much I scored these chairs for!

$40 for all 4!

What the what!

They are in amazing shape. The cane is perfect, the cushions are sturdy, they don't creak at all. They even say made in Denmark on the bottom. 

And when I'm ready, I can easily cover the seats myself. Win!

I also scored...

$10, hand blown pitcher

$10, Chinese porcelain vase

$5, alabaster figurine

$5, wood carved frame. I'm already thinking about what should go in it.

That's some deals yo!

I brought home these cherry blossom branches after a shoot at work last week.

They look great on my coffee table.

I started the first layer of a HUGE painting for my office.

I am already loving it.

How has your week been?

Happy Friday!



  1. For some reason that alabaster cat especially catches my eye! Fab!!

    Thank you Brandi for your comments, I always appreciate it! Sorry I have been so MIA over here with all my schoolwork getting in the way, it's hard to even post on my blog these days! Big hugs,

    Nancy xo

  2. What the *WHAT* is right!!! Those are some amazeball deals...just the chairs alone would've been a banner day at our house, but all of the other great finds as well??? That would be like Christmas (c: I am head over heels for that last shot of the living room...GAH!!! So lovely!!! That brass lamp has me staring longingly at my computer screen. LOVE.

    p.s.-thanks so much for your sweet comment on my B&B guest post always makes me nervous to visit other blogs, so the encouragement means the world to me! Thanks, doll!!!


    Every time I see pics of your living room I cannot get out of my head a long low credenze along your gallery wall. In a rich color or wood, mid century modern . Two side by could even pick up long low dresser and put mid century legs on it...
    Just me thinkin...


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