Friday, December 9, 2011

Quick Change Friday

I think perhaps we should host a party once a month maybe. It's an amazing motivator for getting things done around the house. I have about 8 days to finish things up. In a perfect world lots of things would be done before then but I'm trying to be realistic.

I got the second coat done in my new office.

It's looks black in photos but it's really not. The color is "Gray" by BM. 

I will be adding some molding to these doors, and possibly painting said molding black.

I got some vintage fashion prints my mom gave me forever ago framed and hung finally. The frames from Ikea of course and I just mounted the art onto some gray paper to fill in the gap since the mat wasn't big enough. I think the gray adds some nice dimension to it.

The article on the top piece is funny. It was written in 1927 and the first line of it is "Collars are back!".

This wall is begging for something. I'm going to make a large painting for this room but I'm not sure if it will go here or not. Lots of details still to figure out.

This is my temporary solution to not having curtains.

Ghetto fabulous, no?

I am considering ordering this fabric for the curtains. I fell in love with it a long time ago and came across the swatch and thought it might work in here. It's a nice off white silk base with velvet flocking and a sort of painted on color. 

What do you think about it for curtains? Yes or no?

I hung this awesome vintage light up in my breakfast nook. I saw it at an antique store a few months ago. I snapped a pic and could not stop thinking about it. It was $200 which I thought was too expensive. Finally I decided I would go and see if they would let me put it on lay away and the whole booth was 30% off. Score! I bought then and there.

It's not really long enough but I decided to hang it as is for now. When we get our built in banquet it will be off center so I plan to put it on a chain and swag it lower over the table. Can't wait!

Have you finished any projects lately?

Happy Friday!



  1. Love the office. It is coming along very nicely. We are your newest follower and love what you have going on over here!

  2. I adore the blackish walls in your office. I actually have a pillow in that fabric and I have to tell you, I got tired of it really quickly-not really sure why exactly? Anyhoo... the pendant you got is amazing- so pretty!!

  3. Love the chandelier!! Pretties.

    What about 3 mirrors behind the desk?

    I personally don't love the floral, but I'm weird about florals. I only really like black-based ones. I also like my curtains sheer or solid... so I guess I'm no help there. If it makes you happy, than go for it!

  4. Wow that chandelier is amazing! And double amazing for being 30% off!!!!


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