Monday, September 19, 2011

Kitchen Ponderings

We got a fancy new fridge!

It barely fit in the space we have. Seems that fridges nowadays are all 36" wide and we only 35 1/4" of space, which limited our options substantially. Boo.

We have decided to buy one appliance at a time. Then after they are all bought we'll save up the money for a kitchen reno.

I can't wait!

So now I'm pondering what exactly I want to do...

This is our kitchen now. The place where I stood to take this pic is the breakfast nook.

I already know that I want to remove the fur-downs above the cabinets and remove that dropped down part you see at the top of the pic between the kitchen and the nook. It blocks so much light and makes the kitchen ceiling feel low.

I'm just not sure how to best utilize this space...

Here is a view of the nook. As you can see it's not being used now. But I think we should have a small table here for the eventual day when kiddos will be around. The china hutch you see I don't really use.

So my thoughts are to tear it out and turn in into a wide and shallow pantry. I think that will be much better than the narrow and deep one we have now.

That's the pantry again on the right. I think that should come out and more upper and lower cabinets should go there. This will add storage and counter space. I also want a built in cubby for a new microwave here.

I think this will leave room for a larger more awesome island after that.

We also plan to replace the floors with wood as well. But that will come at a time when we can do the whole house. More waiting...le sigh...

My desk area if facing the china hutch on the other side of the nook. I think the wall the desk is on should be a built in banquet with this table in front...

The ever present Docksta from Ikea

I love the color, the clean lines, and of course, the price.

There will be two free standing chairs on the other side of table as well.

I know this isn't one of those fancy kitchen pictures people usually choose for inspiration but I really love this kitchen for several reasons.

I plan to have a hood mounted on tile like this. The cabinets are from Ikea which I plan to do. I also like how the fridge has paneling on the side and a large cabinet above. The lighting above and below the upper cabinets is also perfect.

The thing I like the most is how there's an open shelf below the upper row of cabinets. This is genius! Since we have a pretty small kitchen and are thus limited on counter space this idea is perfect. It keeps things accessible while freeing up counter space. I love it.

Here it is again. Love!

These are the type of Ikea cabinets I would like to get. I think the glossy surface would make them easier to clean than painted wood.

I'm planning on a dark gray counter. I'm not sure about a backsplash yet. I want something interesting but inexpensive. 

The trick here will be to spend enough to update it and make it look nice but not spend too much. This isn't our forever home. I think we will outgrow it should we have more than one kiddo, heck maybe even one might be too cramped. But damn it's taking so long to get this house the way we want I don't want to move after we finish it!

These are just more inspiration for my idea bank.

What do you think? Does it seem practical? Anything that seems weird or doesn't make sense so far?



  1. I like all your ideas Brandi and if you are not staying on the house forever then do not spend alot of money. I think it is crazy how much money people spend on kitchens! You will have to replce those half walls with suppport beams b/c I bet they are support. And I think you may be interested if you do not already know, go to and you can create your own 3D room. I bet you wld enjoy that!

  2. whoops, forgot to tell you that I do not recommend that Ikea white round table. I had one. First it is quite high (I thought), the white table top formica or whatever it is (paited finish I bet) skrached very easy and the edges got knicked up easily. And worse of all , the round bases gets black marks just from putting your shoes on it. I cld not even sell mine after 6 months.

  3. Love all your inspiration photos. The glossy white cabinets will reflect lots of light and keep even a dirty kitchen (which I know yours will never be) feeling fresh and bright.

  4. I love your new fridge Brandi!! I WISH I could have a pretty fridge like that, maybe one day :) Hope you are having a great weekend!

    Nancy xo

  5. Yea I'd suggest getting rid of the pantry and the hutch. Too many random things going on in the space. I might not replace the pantry with anything- maybe a narrow depth cabinet. If you want an island, you don't want to crowd the whole room with it.

    PS- I have a Docksta and I like it. I also have a tablecloth, though.

  6. Congrats on your new fridge and I love all the stuff that you want to do. Knowing you, the final outcome will be incredible!


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