Monday, August 1, 2011

Project Week: Bar Cart Makeover!

I have deemed this week project week on FOW. I have a few projects to show off so why not cram them in to one fun filled week?

Back in May I scored an amazing vintage bar cart for only $50. It of course needed some love and I was happy to give it!

As you can see from this picture, it was a good day at Canton!

Here is the cart before.

As you can see, it wasn't too far gone. It needed a lot of polishing, some tightened screws and some kind of fix on the shelves.

Right off the bat I had planned to paint the shelves a glossy white. But then I noticed that the bottom shelf had a layer of some type of clear plastic-y type covering on it. The only way to get it off was the scrape it with a razor blade. One. Piece. At. A. Time. Yeah, fuck that! Then I thought, glossy white is predictable, why not doing something fun on this little cart?!

So after some brainstorming...

This is the bar cart now!

I ended up covering it in some paper from Paper Source using spray adhesive. Super easy and an amazing look in my humble opinion!

The vase and watercolor painting were holiday gifts from the fabulous Bri.

To get the paper to fit perfectly on the shelves was much easier than I thought it would be. I taped together a bunch of sheets of paper and pressed it into the corners while I traced a line.

There were a few gaps so I just taped another sheet of paper down, drew and cut again until it was perfect. Then I traced it onto the actual decorative paper I used. I laid it onto the bar cart and only sprayed adhesive on each half at a time. This helped to keep it lined up right. I then lowered the paper onto the shelf working my way from the center out to avoid wrinkles.

Here's a sneak peek at the next project I have to share!

Have a great Monday!



  1. Oh lordy...that cart is AMAZING- seriously, it's really really good!! I can't wait to see your next project!

  2. so cute--love the paper! IT looks sort of leopard printish from a distance, in a really good way.

  3. I love this vintage cart better than those ones I keep seeing in blog world. It has so much character. Great find!Everything looks purty! I see you is using the flower vase!!

    P.s. expect a small package at yo door this week. I finally sent the sea fan. I know I suck.

  4. Hello, fabulous find! And wonderful work fancifying it! Loving that mint box too, gorgeous...

  5. I'm in love. The brass and the oversized wheels...gorgeousness. I'm actually considering taking up drinking so that I can justify a bar cart...(c:

  6. hot diggity dog I love it!! Looks so fly. You should be proud.

  7. I had my doubts about that cart when you bought it but WOW!! It's good that you decided not to do the white paint because that paper you used is perfect and really chic! Good job as alway.... the little tub of dye looks like another success!

  8. I loved it when I first saw it but now it is WOW, I am so happy for you. I move my tea cart around all the time.

  9. It looks lovely! Beautiful transformation! Enjoy the wonderful day, Kellie xx

  10. Oh Brandi I just love that cart , it is so nostalgic!

  11. I am seriously jealous of your bar cart! I looked forever for one and the only one I could find was at Target for $250. No way. It's beautiful!

  12. Eek! This is seriously awesome! I'm always so amazed by the stuff you find and fix up to look so incredible!


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