Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Humble Beginnings of an Art Wall

How many paintings does it take to call yourself an artist? Ten? Twenty? Should I also mention that these paintings are very, very amateur? I guess I'll keep dreaming.

Last week I painted what I think is my most favorite piece yet...

It was one of the simplest ones I've done but I love the impact of the two shades of pink on the black. Even my husband loves it!

This is probably my least favorite...

It's ok...

I was playing around with techniques and I didn't get it quite right. I can always change it later though!

I picked up this clever piece from an antique store...

It's actually a book of sheet music. You can't beat that title or those colors!

Since of course it's a vintage print and an odd size there was the issue of framing. I picked up this frame from Target and some photo corners from the craft store and simply mounted it on top of the mounting.

I think it turned out quite nice!

I got this pretty little piece recently as well. I'm not a huge fan of birds but I loved the framing and you couldn't beat the $5 price tag.

I feel as though I almost have enough to actually start hanging everything.

This massive wall sure needs it!

I'm hoping to build the wall a-la-Angie in this inspiration picture. I feel that this art wall is a bit more sparing than you usually see. The pictures aren't as fitted together like a puzzle piece and are a bit more spread out. I think this is better for my space because I don't want the room to feel too heavy on that side.

What do you think? Any pieces you feel I should add to my collection?



  1. I think I erased my comment by mistake:( Anyhoo...I love both your new pieces and the wall molding is gorgeous! Can't wait to see the art wall all up!!!

  2. START HANGING and then add on as you continue to paint and purcHase! Nice collection!

  3. Good idea with the sheet music and using the photo corners...very clever as always.

  4. I think that might be my favorite of your paintings too.

    And seriously, the Naughty Waltz. Amazing!


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