Monday, July 18, 2011

The Art Makes the Room

I'm still collecting and making art to build a huge gallery for my living room. I continue to be inspired by teh interwebs as usual.

There are so many rooms I come across where the art just MAKES the room! You know, the one thing that the room just wouldn't be the same without. I love that element of design...

From Sketch42

From Desire to Inspire

From La Dolce Vita

This has been one of my favorites for a while.

Do you have any showstopping pieces of art or wall decor? Do share!



  1. Gorgeous images. Our art collection is probably my most treasured of objects in our home. I just posted my newest piece on my blog this morning.

  2. totally agree! but, i'm a bit biased since i'm an artist. :) happy to discover your blog today

    now scoot on over for an art giveaway!

  3. What great finds. I've been obsessed with searching for wall prints or paintings lately too. That last picture is so amazing.

  4. I agree! These artworks look amazing! Have a glorious day, Kellie xx

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