Friday, April 15, 2011

Pretty Florals + Pastels

Something bright and cheery for your friday!

1. Top, Shop Ruche $35
2. Pink Wayfarers, Nasty Gal $30
3. Necklace, Elva Fields $328
4. Lamp, Robert Abbey $150
5. Pillow, John Robshaw $110
6. Scarf, Forever 21 $10
7. Hat, Forever 21 $13
8. Wedges, Shop Ruche $59

I'm just loving all the pretty patterns and colors I'm seeing with the arrival of spring. It instantly puts me a better mood, how about you? I especially love the idea of the feminine colors paired with black to give a bit of a modern edge. Something easily interpreted into your interiors of course!

                                                                        Source: via Jacqui on Pinterest

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope too see all you locals at the party tonight!

P.S. Happy birthday to my BFF, Kirsten! Here's a mix I made just for youuuu!



  1. Those wedges are magical, and only 60!

    *gets out husbands credit card*

  2. I'm in love love with that lamp...and only $150- wowzers. Beautiful selection of spring brights. All very pretty!!

  3. I love the rug in the last picture and all the pillows! How great! Happy weekend!

  4. Ahhh...this post is all so springy and happy, just what I need right now!

  5. That lovely floral top is so fitting my springy mood lately! Love it! And for some reason, I find myself gravitating towards that necklace, too...Spring must be in the air! (c;


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