Monday, April 4, 2011

Help Charlie Heal!

Hello dear readers and happy Monday! Today I'm blogging on behalf on my friend Sarah and her family over at La Maison Boheme.

This is Charlie, Sarah's youngest son. This Charlie's story;

Charlie was born on August 4, 2010. Approximately 12 hours after he was born, he began having seizures. An MRI revealed he had suffered two strokes affecting the right side of his brain. The strokes occurred in utero. Charlie's stroke may or may not be due to another condition he has called Craniosynostosis. This is when two skull plates fuse prematurely in the womb. It is going to take years to fully comprehend what the stroke will mean for Charlie's motor skills, cognitive and language development. Only time will tell how his brain will recover from the trauma. In the meantime, Charlie has the love of his family and us - a strong network friends to help him grow and heal.

Luckily, Charlie will be receiving surgery soon from one of the best surgeons to correct his Craniosynostosis.  The downside is, this surgeon is not covered by Charlie's insurance. So today, the blogging community is coming together to let you know about a special way to help Charlie heal!

Charlie's brother, Walker, has created some very special art to raise money for his brother. We're all here today to tell you about the Help Charlie Heal Etsy shop! 

I picked out some of my favorites...

Not only are these completely awesome but they come hand stitched to a card with an envelope. I know there's a mental list of thank you notes you still need to write that these will be perfect for! Not only will you cross some things off your to do list but you'll be helping out a lovely family as well!

You can also donate directly to the fund by going here!

I believe in the power of the blogging community and I believe in you, my readers, and I believe we can make a difference for this family!

I can't wait to see what awesome-ness this day brings!

Learn more about Charlie and follow this story here.



  1. I am so touched by Charlie's story- so hope everyone who reads our posts clicks over and donates/buys!!

  2. Brandi- He is a beautiful boy. I just posted and interview about Charlie with Sarah on my blog APPLESandRUBIES . I am wishing them well for the upcoming surgery.


  3. Brandi, I'm really touched about Charlie's story and by your gesture of solidarity. Hope everything will be ok for this beautiful boy and his family. May God bless you for helping others! A huge hug! XoXo


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